Collection Tools Template Create a website free (glideapps)

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A collection tool list with voting built on Glide is your go-to for showcasing and managing various tools effectively. This template allows visitors to vote on tools without logging in, display lists by votes or randomly, and filter searches by relevant categories.

  • Glide connects to your existing data, from Google Sheets to SQL databases, enabling you to create interfaces on top of your data without the hassle of migration.
  • Your apps automatically have a professional look and feel across devices, thanks to Glide’s pre-built themes and components.
  • With Glide Actions, you can create workflows that allow users to efficiently complete tasks and interact with third-party apps.
  • Allow your users to vote on tools without requiring them to create accounts, lowering friction
  • Display tools randomly or ranked by votes to get an unbiased view of user preferences
  • Create collections of AI tools, competitor tools, or potential integrations to evaluate
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Collection Tools Template

Allow your users to vote on tools without requiring them to create accounts, lowering friction
Display tools randomly or ranked by votes to get an unbiased view of user preferences
Create collections of AI tools, competitor tools, or potential integrations to evaluate
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Collection Tools Template Create a website free (glideapps)

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